Air Transport

Moderator : Laurel Van Horn – Open doors

Evaluation of Wheelchairs and Wheelchair tie downs for in-cabin use

Michele Erwin – All Wheels Up – USA

Clipboard Abstract of “Evaluation of Wheelchairs and Wheelchair tie downs for in-cabin use”

PDF presentation PDF Presentation of “Evaluation of Wheelchairs and Wheelchair tie downs for in-cabin use”

Listen to the conference “Evaluation of Wheelchairs and Wheelchair tie downs for in-cabin use” (EN)

BDL‘s dialog with PRM | Matching the interests of airlines and airports with those of passengers with reduced mobility | How to get an understanding of an accessible aviation

Marian Kortas – Bundesverband der Deutschen Luftverkehrswirtschaft e.V. (BDL) – Germany

Clipboard Abstract of “BDL‘s dialog with PRM”

PDF presentation PDF Presentation of “BDL‘s dialog with PRM”

Listen to the conference “BDL‘s dialog with PRM” (EN)

Airport Best Practices in Meeting the Needs of Travelers with Disabilities

Shu Cole – Indiana University – USA
Weixuan Wang – Indiana University – USA

Clipboard Abstract of “Airport Best Practices in Meeting the Needs of Travelers with Disabilities”

PDF presentation PDF Presentation of “Airport Best Practices in Meeting the Needs of Travelers with Disabilities”

Listen to the conference “Airport Best Practices in Meeting the Needs of Travelers with Disabilities” (EN)

Airport Automated Assistance for Reduced Mobility Passengers (3A-RMP)

Imad Mougharbel – Beirut Research and Innovation Center – Lebanon

Clipboard Abstract of “Airport Automated Assistance for Reduced Mobility Passengers (3A-RMP)”

PDF presentation PDF Presentation of “Airport Automated Assistance for Reduced Mobility Passengers (3A-RMP)”

Listen to the conference “Airport Automated Assistance for Reduced Mobility Passengers (3A-RMP)” (EN)