Session Spotlight: Travels Around The World

“Everyone loves some handy tips and tricks, right? How about a huge list of all the ways we have personally improved our services, our offer and worked cooperatively with the hospitality and travel industries to raise awareness of the needs of all travelers with disabilities?”

This session “Travels around the world” is given by the four following world travel specialists:

The top 8 accessible tourist destinations in Europe (and 4 of the Most Difficult)

John Sage (Accessible Travel Solutions - USA)

John Sage | Accessible Travel Solutions (USA)

Most people don’t have the time, money, or energy to visit all of the worthwhile destinations in Europe. If a disabled traveler can only take a few European vacations, how should they prioritize their list?  

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‘The Superhero Team’ movie formula for an accessible tourism endeavor

Rustom Irani  | Cox & Kings-Enable Travel (India)Rustom Irani (Cox & Kings (Enable Travel) - India)

According to the census, 20.3% of the Indian population are wheelchair bound, 18.8% are vision impaired, 18.9% are hearing impaired and 7.5% are speech impaired. Travel for the disabled is an untapped market which holds tremendous potential. Category creation and market penetration will be key.

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Twelve months that will change the world

Richard Thompson | Travel Counsellors (UK)Richard Thompson (Travel Counsellors - UK)

Let’s change the way the wider industry views the sector: The ‘Making Travel Accessible World Tour’ project is developped across Australia, South Africa, the UAE, Netherlands & Belgium and Ireland to inculcate thinking and practical approach that will transform the future travel opportunities of those who may believe they have none.

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Follow the needs – experiences and insides from more than 25 years of activity as a tour operator in accessible tourism 

Holger Kähler | Videlis Seniorenreisen e.V. (Germany)  Holger Kähler (Videlis Seniorenreisen e.V. - Germany)

Although every handicapped traveller is unique in their needs, there are some core-requirements most of them share. Let’s have a look on how to organise barrier-free group trips following the travel chain.

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